Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Jim Callis makes his case against the notion that college pitchers are much safer picks than high schoolers in his latest article at Baseabll America (premium content).

"In a study of the first 10 rounds of the 1990-97 drafts last year, I found that regardless of round or position, high schools held their own versus colleges in terms of producing talent."

Also, a note to those of you that check out this blog. I will be moving towards a more MLB general approach and away from a lot of Orioles talk. I am moving to New York City in three weeks and that will make it difficult for me to follow the O's with any regularity. I'll still make mention from time to time as I'll likely be following the O's from afar. If you want to keep up with indepth O's coverage I suggest going to The Birds in the Belfry.