Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The Baseball Notebook Prospect Analysis

Check it. Baseball Notebook is considering producing a product that will project career performance of some 4,000 prospects. They say,

"We would venture to publish not how the player is performing now but answers
to questions such as the following:

What is the percentage chance that this
player will ever play in the majors?

What will his best major league season
look like when he eventually reaches his prime?

In what year will that prime
year be most likely to occur?

What type of a big league career should this
player be likely to experience?

What is his current projected big league

Relative to other players, what is
his overall prospect rating?

What is the player's ETA to the majors?

If he's a starting pitcher, how
will he perform if he ends up as a reliever vs.
how he would perform as a
